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Sauna Benefits

Sauna Bathing goes back over 2000 years. The Sauna was Originally invented by the Finnish, but similar forms of health benefits can be found in a Russian Banya, Indian Sweat Lodge, Turkish Steam Bath, Arabic Hamam and even as far back as the Roman Bath House.

Saunas can also be a great place to socialize and share stories. Families and friends have gathered for decades in the sauna as a means of social gathering. However, a sauna can also be a great place to meditate and clear the mind leaving you invigorated both physically and mentally.



When using a sauna, the hot air and humidity cause the body to increase in temperature and start to perspire. In defense, the body increases its blood flow to the surface of the skin to keep it cool. By doing so the heart rate is elevated – which can be equivalent to a mild work out.



Sweating is the body’s natural way to remove toxins that are can be stored up in the body. The immediate aftereffects of a sauna bath are an enlightened sense of well-being as endorphins are built up in the body’s brain. However, after an hour or so a sauna bather will feel a calmness, and an ultimate sense of relaxation.

Some people like a dry sauna which means no water is added to the rocks. Generally, it will take longer to bring the body to a sweat. By adding water to the rocks, the humidity is increased which cause the bodies pores to open quicker. This is called a wet sauna.

All saunas are wet or dry!
The difference is simply whether
you add water to the rocks.
All saunas are wet or dry!
The difference is simply whether you add water to the rocks.


Some sauna bathers prefer to take a cold shower in-between each short bathing session. This cause the body heart rate to be even further elevated and is a practice that most Finnlanders enjoy. With an outdoor barrel sauna, bathers can also jump into a lake or if you are really bold, jump in the snow in the wintertime! Want the ultimate experience? Try one of our cedar barrel chiller tub!


Saunas are great therapy tool that are used in sports medicine and athletic and physical therapy. You will most often find public saunas at fitness centers for this reason. Heat can also be good for arthritis pain as well as muscle aches!

It is always advised to consult with a physician if you have heart problems or are pregnant before going into a sauna.



Some sauna bathers prefer to take a cold shower in-between each short bathing session. This cause the body heart rate to be even further elevated and is a practice that most Finnlanders enjoy. With an outdoor barrel sauna, bathers can also jump into a lake or if you are really bold, jump in the snow in the wintertime! Want the ultimate experience? Try one of our cedar barrel chiller tub!


Saunas are great therapy tool that are used in sports medicine and athletic and physical therapy. You will most often find public saunas at fitness centers for this reason. Heat can also be good for arthritis pain as well as muscle aches!

It is always advised to consult with a physician if you have heart problems or are pregnant before going into a sauna.


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Only the finest Western Red Cedar is used. We only buy cedar from mills that have been approved for "Sustainable Forestry Initiative". This ensures we protect our forests for generations to come!

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Original Finnish sauna was multipurpose. It was used to bathe, for social enjoyment, to cure the sick and women even gave birth in saunas.

There are more saunas in Finland than there are cars!

Western Red Cedar is the ideal wood for saunas construction. Cedar is a soft wood and will not heat up like other woods during a sauna bath. Cedar contains natural oils that make it highly resilient to decay and resists mildew.

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The health benefits of saunas have been documented for the last 2000 years, including detoxification, increase blood circulation, healthier skin pores and an overall feeling of well-being and relaxation.

"Vihta" - a Finnish term for a sauna whisk. This wisk was traditionally made from Birch branches. The Vihta is used as a fan to move the air within the sauna. Sauna bathers also use the Vihta to lightly 'whip' ones skin surface. This forces the heat further into the body and also stimulates the skin surface increasing blood flow.

Not only does sweating increase cardiovascular circulation, but did you also know that sweating assists the kidneys in removing dangerous toxins by up to 30%.

Traditional Electric heaters use special sauna rocks to store the latent heat energy. If water is added to the rocks, steam immediately fills the room (for a short time). This added humidity quickly opens the skins pores and provides a deep cleansing of both the skin and the soul.

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Studies have shown that Sauna Rooms, like Kitchens and Bathrooms, increase the value of your home.

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Wood fired heater is the choice for those who like it hot and lots of steam. The wood fired heater heats up in nearly the same time as an electric heater, but because of its large volume of rocks, it has a much larger heat storage capacity. A must for anyone with a cottage!

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The word "SAUNA" is pronounced "sow nah". It is the only Finnish word that is found in the English dictionary; it translates to "bath" or "bathhouse". The sauna is the way of life in Finland where it originated over 2000 years ago.

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Loyly is a Finnish word that defines the steam that is created when pouring water on rocks to rapidly increase the humidity and the perceived temperature.

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